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In the same way that you gave me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the world... Jesus' prayer in John 17:18
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Mission Vancouver 2005
Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Photo Site on Flickr

I have set up an image host for all of us to upload our photos.

Click on a photo image in the right column of the photos to take you to flickr. Then click on "log in" up at the top of the screen on the right.

Our email is: james@sacchurch.org

our password is: the name of our ministry. It's the word that begins with D that is on the sleeve of your t-shirt. I'm not putting it here so that soem nut-o doesn't get it.

So go in, log in and upload your own photos. You can also comment on other photos.
the only rule is that you cannot delete photos. If you find one disturbing then email me and I will take care of it.

Lost and Found

I found a few things in the vans that I figured someone will want. I'll put the names next to the item as far as I know.

1. a youthworks t shirt and a camera with "Chelsea" on the bottom. I think this might be Chelsea's. Her phone is busy.

2. Aaron's jacket. This is Aaron's.

3. Eric's CD. This is Eric's.

4. a black hoodie.

5. St.Ives 24 hour moisture cream with Hydratein Advanced Therapy Lotion. If this isn't claimed, you'll likely notice my smoother skin over the next few weeks.

6. A pillow with a red/burgundy pillow case.

7. one blue el~2 water bottle. very cool looking

Claim your stuff!!
Friday, July 01, 2005

Mochas for july 3rd

Hey Everyone -

Just a reminder to Lcay, Mandy and Kacee that they are on for mochas on Sunday -

Also - I'll be calling, but we are going to be having a special prayer time for us in both the services on Sunday, July 3 - and we are going to have our last meeting (training on sharing your faith) after church on Sunday.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

All Up!

Hey everybody -

All the devos that are required are up and linked through the devo schedule - you can check those out and have them done by Saturday at midnight - if that is a problem, like if you aren't going to be done - take the initiative and contact me beforehand - don't show up and give excuses, talk to me beforehand and we can work things out.

(ps. now, go back and reread that prargraph and say "out" like a canadian, work on your accent...)


June 26 - Amber - John 15:21-27

John 15:21-27

People are going to put us down for being believers. They did it to Jesus and they will do it to us. Even thought they watched the amazing things Jesus did – they still treated Him badly. Even though they knew the Scriptures it made zero difference to them.

And for us – some people will put us down for no good reason – just to be mean. Maybe it makes them feel better at least temporarily about themselves.

But because we know we are right and have the real truth on our side – we have to keep showing that we are believers. Sometimes it is embarrassing. Sometimes it’s downright hard to have people make fun of God and what He stands for and expects us to stand for.

Have you ever been put down for your faith?


June 24 - Theresa - John 15:20

John 15:20

We are going to be the servants in Vancouver. We will be the ones getting the worse treatment and giving the better treatment. Jesus was crucified and he’s our master. His disciples definitely got His kind of treatment and even people today get killed for their faith. Not so common in America, but in China, Indonesia (places where being a Christian is illegal)…I bet they get comfort from this verse and maybe fear – knowing what Jesus went through.

Has there been a time when you were being a servant and were treated horribly, but you stuck through it?

Friday, June 24, 2005

June 23 - Luke - John 15:1-8

John 15:1-8

In this passage, Jesus says that he is the vine and God is the farmer. And if we don’t join Jesus, we cannot bear any fruit. We can’t know God unless we are joined by Jesus. And though Jesus we will harvest fruit in abundance. Everyone connected to him will be pruned back so that we can bear even more. So to get to God we must be a part of the Son. I think that’s what we are going to be teaching people in Vancouver.

In what ways do your bear fruit?


June 22 - Brianna - John 14:22-24

John 14:22-24

In this passage, I think Jesus is saying that he is a messenger of God. Everything that Jesus taught, were things that God wanted all of us to know. When we go to Canada, God is using us as messengers to tell others how much He loves them.

Jesus also says that everybody that loves Jesus will be loved by God. It doesn’t matter what condition they are in or what they are. All they have to do is love God. A lot of people don’t think that’s enough though. They think that they have to be a good person who doesn’t sin to love God or to be loved by God. That just isn’t the case. God loves everyone, no matter what.

Why do you think that people think they have to be a certain way to love God or be loved by Him?

June 21 - Kayla - John 14:15-21

John 14:15-21

This verse talks about how much Jesus loves all of us, no matter what we do. He says he will never abandon us even those who don’t believe. He promises the Holy Spirit. It talks about how people don’t recognize the Holy Spirit. In Canada we are going to those who don’t see the light. What really applies to my life is “obey my commandments if you love me.” That made me realize I haven’t been honoring my parents like I should be, but I still love Jesus. And o be honest I have never thought about how disobeying the commandments hinders my relationship with Christ.

What sorts of things hinder your relationship with Jesus?

Monday, June 20, 2005


Hey - Because of our late start on Saturday we were not able to talk about a couple of things, so we are going to have to talk about them here -

The first one, the subject of this post, is our team shirts. We have, traditionally, made up some tees to wear to identify with each other and spread our message to each other. And, it's clothing, we all need clothing.

Anyways, answer these questions?

Color? black, red, white, yellow?
Ink? white, black, blue, red, blue?
Logo? What kind of a picture?
Writing? What to say, where to print it?

Put all your creative ideas here - we'll try to figure something out -



We need to decide a few things as we are going on the trip, things like which CD to listen to first.

So to decide, we are going to play a game. I just got this game addy on an email this morning - it's awesome!!

It's called the helicpoter game and it's way hard, at least for me - but here's the rules:

1. Click on the link and go play the game, then post your highest score.

2. Then, keep playing and post your score if you set the new Vancouver Missions Trip record.

3. The game will end July 2 at midnght - we'll crown the winner at the July 3 meeting!!

don't crash!


June 20 - Eric - John 14:1-7

John 14:1-7

“I am the way, the truth and the life. No on comes to the Father except through me.”

In this verse the disciples were basically freaking out. They were scared of what will happen to Jesus, what will happen to the disciples and they were confused that Jesus was certain that Peter would disown him 3 times.

So Jesus basically gave them a big disclaimer. He made sure they knew and we know that as long as we trust in Him everything’s gonna turn out okay and we’ll all end up in heaven with Jesus.

I liked how everyone was like “I’ll do anything for you!” and they were all worked up so Jesus said, “Calm down you guys, I’ll be back.”

It really shows how little we know and how wise Jesus is and that really comforts me and keeps me from worrying. His wisdom is very well portrayed when Jesus was talking all big and Jesus just tore him down telling him he’d deny Jesus.

How would you feel if God Himself shoed up one day said, “Sometime in the next week you’re going to deny that you even like me…..?”
Friday, June 17, 2005

June 17 - Tim - John 13:13-17

John 13:13-17

At first I tought that it was talking to the Master (or the person who is better off) but got confused because it wwas actually talking to the servant saying, “Look, these people are better of than you, but chose to help you.” In that sense it’s not even talking to us, the ones who will be “the better off” ones. I see it as a message to both people; Masters, treat servants as equals; servants, be thankful and respectful because in the end they don’t have (key word) to.

“I need love, baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more.”

How have you made yourself an “equal” lately?


(james' note: congratulations to Tim for being the first to quote Haddaway on this blog. Way to go!

Getting home

We have only 86 miles left to raise!! Great work everyone - agian, be sure to thank the Lord in your prayers for His support of what He has called us to do!!

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Rock Show Cancelled

I have made the decision to cancel the Rock Benefit Concert that was scheduled for the 24th of June. When all the team members fulfill their personal commitments we will not need group fundraising like a benefit show. Two different members of the congrgation have communicated with me that they will support us further, according to what needs arise.

Praise god for His provision and His will.


Retreat Tommorrow:

Tommorrow is our big 6 hour training session. Here are some notes you'll need looking towards that. We are meeting at the Blaylock Estate at 9am. If you need their address you can call myself or them. Them would be better, as they know for sure where they live.

1. Bring your sucker/candy bar money in. We need to process that now. If you still have some, bring them in also. We'll make sure they get sold so that they are not wasted money.

2. Bring your personality profile. And you can bring your Bible.

3. Do your devotionals up to June 10th. I'll be checking them at about 10 pm tonight.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

June 16 - Logan - John 13:1-12

John 13:1-12

In this passage it is the last supper and Jesus is washing his disciples’ feet so that they can have a part with him. I think this is a very good passage saying that we need to do the little deeds, no just wait to do the big ones and what I think that is what it is saying but I don’t know what do you think it means when Jesus is washing their feet?

What I thought must have been horrible for Jesus is in the beginning when it is talking about Jesus knowing that he is going to be betrayed. I bet that was heart breaking for Jesus to know that one of your beloved followers betrays you and hands you over to your death.


June 15 - Michelle - John 12:44-50

John 12:44-50

This passage very plainly says that if you believe in Jesus and you believe in what He is saying, then you believe in God. God told Jesus what to say and how to act. When we go on the mission trip if we quote the Bible constantly and people believe in what we are saying, I think that we have done our job and shown them God.

How do people see God through your actions or what you say?

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Behavioral Profile

Each of us have strengths and weaknesses that make us more effective in some situations and less effectivein others. The ability to know and understand how we and other people will react and relate in certain situations is important as we are seeking to minister in stressful situations as a team.

The assessment that you are being asked to do online will help you to know yourself and help others to know you better. It will help you to discover and define your strengths and weaknesses and to be aware of your potential hang-ups and how you will affect others. This is not an intelligence, popularity or success test. It's just to help us see and understand our differences.

Here are the instructions:

1. Go to the Behavioral Assesment link, also available in the right sidebar, and complete the test. There will be 40 lines for you to choose one word from each line. Don't take a long time on the questions, usually your gut reaction will reveal the truer you. Don't bother trying to be something your not, that won't help you or the team.

2. When you are finished the test, print. If you print straight from the net, you will lose some words. You can then click on the appropriate types on the right, in the yellow box, and read up on yourself. Be sure to bring your evaluation with you.

3. When you get your email, forward it to James, james@sacchurch.org

4. Bring your assesment to the day-retreat on June 18th at the Blaylocks.

If you have questions, call or email James.

Also, you can go ahead and copy and paste your results as comments in this post. It'll be fun and interesting.

Back up and running -

The site is back up and running smoothly again - the behavioral assesment should be up soon and this weekend is our day-retreat.

Make sure you are completely finished the devotionals up to June 10th by this Friday, June 17th

You can now go to the Devo Sked link on the right and each of the devotionals are hyperlinked from the schedule to the devotional discussion. This way you can keep track of what you have and haven't done.

June 14 - Kacee - John 12:26-36

John 12:26-36

In this passage the Lord is saying: if any of you want to serve me, then follow me. Then we will be where he is ready to serve in a moment’s notice. He is saying that he has been storm-tossed but is he going to ask the Father to come home? No! This is why He came in the first place. This is where Jesus said that Satan will be tossed out of this world. And Jesus will be lifted up from this earth. Jesus said that the light is still among you. Walk by the light so that the darkness doesn’t destroy you. You will live your lives as children of the light.

I think this relates to us because we are “walking in the light.” We are following God and are ready to serve and that is what we are doing while we’re in Canada. We will be serving the Lord in his name.

What do you think that “you’ll be children of the light” means?


June 13 - Joyce - John 12:20-25

John 12:20-25

Once again Jesus is forshadowing His death. And says the famous – whoever loves their life will lose it, whoever hates their life will have eternal life. To me this is sort of one of those don’t love something more than Jesus or don’t hold onto earthly things.

So what does the hate-your-life-gain-eternal / love-your-life-lose-it thing mean to you?


June 10 - Cassie - John 12:12-19

John 12:12-19

So here comes Jesus on a donkey. The fact that he’s even riding a donkey for his Triumphal Entry is fulfilling one of the million prophecies about Him! That’s incredible! Now really look at this part here (vs.17-19). The people that were back at Lazarus’ tomb were there today spreading the news about Jesus. And then the Pharisees get in their little “gang” and say to each other, “we’re getting nowhere here, the whole stinking world has gone to follow Him!”

This is so incredibly significant, I think, just the fact that a couple mobs of people were following Jesus when it was “safe,” when there was no trouble, no nothing. Then I bet at least half the people who were shouting “Hosanna” were only a couple of days later shouting, “Crucify Him!”

Isn’t that kind of what we something do when being a Christian gets “dangerous?” What are some solutions to that?


June 9 - Chelsea - John 12:1-11

John 12:1-11 - from Crosswalk.com because biblegateway doesn't seem to be working today...

I think it’s so awesome that Mary was saving the perfume just for Jesus. When I read these verses, so many thoughts always go through my head, like how did Lazarus feel after being raised from the dead? Or, why did Jesus put up with Judas?...things like that.

And then, back to Mary, I love how she used the perfume on his feet. Not only that but she wiped it with her hair. Wow. How many of us can say that we’ve done something so servant-like as wiping somebody’s feet with our hair and pouring expensive perfume on them?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

June 8 - Heidi - John 11:36-44

John 11:36-44

It is absolutely amazing how many miracles Jesus preformed. But it kinda seemed that the people were being greedy expecting Him to perform more miracles. Isn’t is also kind of crazy how Martha, Lazarus’ sister, when told to move the stone, the first thing she thinks about is the odor? I mean Jesus is gonna bring her sibling back to life!

Wow – Jesus brought a man who was dead for four days back to life! What would you think if a man claiming to be God’s son brought someone you care about back to life?


June 7 - Mandy - John 11:17-36

John 11:17-36

This passage is talking about Jesus coming down and finding that Lazarus has died. It strikes me that Martha is more apt to believe in Jesus’ healing than Mary. Jesus says that all who believe in Him will never die but will live forever with Him. That is so amazing because it is completely true. I sometimes wonder, why is it that we have an earthly life at all if we are all just going to die and go to heaven being Christians as we are?

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

June 6 - Lacy - John 11:1-16

John 11:1-16

So Mary and Martha sent a message to Jesus, "Lord, the one you love is sick."

How do you think Mary and Martha reacted when they learned that Jesus said, "This sickness will not end in death..." Do you think they just trusted Jesus or do you think they flipped? How would you react?

Later on the passage talks about going back to Judea and the disciples freaked out 'cause the Jews tried to stone Him before. Why do the disciples question Jesus so much? Do we?

OK - so Jesus almost never just says what's going on. So He says to them, "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep but I am going there to wake Him." They tell Jesus he'll get better if he sleeps. So Jesus is like, "SERIOUSLY!?!? Ok, Lazarus is dead...(duh?)"

Why do you think that Jesus doesn't just say/speak simply? why is it something to be figured out?

So Jesus takes them to believe in Him in a whole new way. Then Thomas says to the disciples, "Let us also go, that we may die with Him." Die with Jesus.

Where do you think you stand no or if you were there in this situation?


Mochas Schedules

here's the current mochas schedule:

June 12th - Theresa, Tim, Eric, Luke

June 19th - Mandy, Michelle, Chelsea, Lacy

June 26th - Kayla, Brianna, Luke, Cassie

New Feature

Starting today all the devotionals will go up in order - to make it easier and make more sense as you all are doing them.

As a reminder from the meeting on Sunday - all devotionals up to June 10th will need to be done by June 17th.

That's a hard-line rule, too. You really don't want to test that out to see if it's true or not.

Also - I'm going to work on putting links into the devotional schedule so that you can click on it and go directly to the apporpriate devotional. That'll take some time though, so please be a little patient with that.

OK - be praying - we are down to Toldeo, WA in our fundraising -


Back Online

Hey - all we're back online and will be posting a bunch over the course of today - keep checking back - many updates on the way!!


June 3 - Joyce - John 10:22-42

John 10:22-42

At the beginning of these verses Jesus is questioned as to whether he is the Messiah or not. He says I've already told you but you do not believe and the miracles I've done speak louder than words. Then he starts talking about how only his sheep listen to him, and how no one can snatch his sheep from him.

But then at the end he starts saying do not believe me unless I do what my Father does and then he talks about if they don't believe him, just believe the miracles.

The last bit I think applies to Vancouver the most. It's sort of like us saying don't believe us unless we do what Jesus would do in Vancouver. I guess another way to put it would be practice what you preach.


backtrack - May 23 - Brianna - John 8:1-11

John 8:1-11

I think my favorite part about these verses is that jesus does not condemn the woman who was caught in the act of adultry. He simlply says, "Go and sin no more." He never punishes her for the sins she has done. He just tells her to stop sinning. I don't know about you guys but when I do something wrong, a lecture, punishment, or a grounding usually follows. This passage really tells me that God is much more concerned with the person than the sin the person has committed.


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